Trouble reaching your future audience?
Trouble monitizing your platform?
All of your trouble is now gone!
The revival creators program makes becoming an online creator so simple littertaly anyone can do it!
How is this possible?
You create a channel.
We jump start it for the algorithm and get it ready for monetization.
You swim in money.
You can finally quit the grind and stop begging your neighbors who you don’t like to follow you, because that’s not even all! Once you are monetized, we will provide you with additional exclusive opportunities to maximize your platform's income and reach, and we will even reward you with free prizes!

Pricing for you
What you get:
- Youtube monetization
- Social media boost
- Free comic book
- T-shirt, Cap, Mug, Poster, Stickers
- A chance to get your own show here on Revival
- Affiliate link
- Exclusive early access to news, products, and announcements
What you get:
- Affiliate link
- Free comic book
- The first to get the latest updates and offers
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.
Yes, and once people are familiar with your brand you can send them to boos your accounts on your other platforms.